Sunday, September 28, 2008

on the work desk 0001

Still learning my own style but, that's the whole point of these mini comics. To cut my teeth, no pun intended, and get my name out their.

The image cell on the left was finished earlier last week but I abandoned the style of finishing the page cell-by-cell and instead went for the approach of finishing the page step-by-step as a whole

Here are the finished pencil sketches.

Here are the rough inks I put down and then I clean up the pencil marks with an eraser.

Here is the finished page.


Justin Desilets said...

Your work is really coming along nicely Jarv. I can't wait to see what the future projects bring.

travis bramble said...

Thanks Justin, how has your art work been coming along?

Justin Desilets said...

Haven't really been able to touch it much. Just not enough hours in the day most times. Kelly moved out here finally last week, Thursday, so hopefully things will settle down in the coming weeks and months. Kelly being around will probably inspire me to draw a little more and probably invest in a scanner so we can get these things into photoshop and whatnot.