Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the weirdness: part one

I get really weird about completing projects and outlandish tasks before I leave for a weekend whether it's for a race, wedding or vacation. I noticed this last year when I had a lot of destination weddings and races, among summer time stuff, to leave for I would run around crazy trying to complete weird things before I left. Besides my "five goals" a week I write on a dry-erase board to complete weekly I also write a list of random crap that has no consequence to try and complete before leaving. I think I'll document this behavior for a future post, circa July 16-ish before I leave for the GLR (Great Lakes Relay).

Well, I hit a snag two weeks ago before I left for the North Country Trail Relay. The snag was because not only did I create a random list of crap to complete but I was lamenting the fact that my list of 5 goals to complete have for the most part stayed the same all June. Aside from one goal, clean my studio space, all the artistic goals have stayed the same. So the week before I left for the weekend instead of packing I was trying to catch up on my art. And, this craziness hasn't let up. I've been really trying to clear my list, plus some other projects I am behind on, and get some new goals up before the end of June.

Here is one project I started to knock out. This is something I've tried hard to keep secret until launch but here is a brief taste. These are some finished comic boards of an online weekly comic my friend Paul and myself created. The comic is called Side Quest and is in the vein of pop and nerd culture. I'll post a full report on the comic just before we launch. Hopefully in the next two weeks. But, enjoy the first peek.

The next image is of a painting I knocked out this weekend during a crazy storm. I am happy with the experience of creating and what I learned from painting. But, I did need to separate myself from it. I do enjoy it now but I wasn't really happy with it. But I am excited about my next paintings. I am already planning the next four, yes, four, I am gathering the money right now. I hope to have them started next week. I am going to do multiple painting this time because I am impatient and get board when I have to wait for the paint to dry. So, I am going to knock out four next time. But here is my first of hopefully many paintings.

My last image is of a comp for my new digital portfolio. I told my girlfriend that I would have my design portfolio done by the time she takes the BAR. So I have five weeks to complete my new portfolio. A flash version, a web version and some hand-outs (printed cd holders and business cards). A lot of work and not a lot of time to do it. I'll post the process. Here is the comp.