Wednesday, August 6, 2008

run, draw, eat, beer, work, clean, pack, sleep

The past few days and weeks have been crazy and making it more insane I am heading out to my last destination wedding (of three) this year. I am excited and looking forward for the wedding and the wonderful time we will all have but I am also looking forward to after the wedding in which me and my girlfriend can spend some quality time together in Florida. But until we can relax we both have a lot more running around to do. I will post some more art before I leave but I have been having trouble getting any real work done. I've tried to work on some sketches at my two jobs but that hasn't helped much. I sketch in a Moleskin (amazing journals) but I have been doing some more epic sketches (larger formate) of late. I hope to get back to some daily sketching (at least 20 minutes a day) in my Moleskin while I am in Florida.


Anonymous said...

You write very well.

travis bramble said...

thank you.