Sunday, September 28, 2008

on the work desk 0001

Still learning my own style but, that's the whole point of these mini comics. To cut my teeth, no pun intended, and get my name out their.

The image cell on the left was finished earlier last week but I abandoned the style of finishing the page cell-by-cell and instead went for the approach of finishing the page step-by-step as a whole

Here are the finished pencil sketches.

Here are the rough inks I put down and then I clean up the pencil marks with an eraser.

Here is the finished page.

Monday, September 1, 2008

ghetto blast from the past

Summer is winding down, oh the agony of it all, and after a wonderful Labor Day with my girlfriend and her family I was relaxing for a minute at my house when I heard a song on the TV, some Brit show called Freaky, that I haven’t heard in a long long time. The song was Cyclone by the Dub Pistols off there 98 release Point Blank and hearing this song I was inspired to go through my ever growing CD collection and upload some of those albums from an era in my life I haven’t listened too in years. It’s weird and quite tranquil how hearing a song not listened too in years can bring back memories as vivid as when they happened. With only having my iPod for two-years there are a few, an understatement, albums that I haven’t got around to uploading. I just needed that little spark to motivate me into rediscovering these albums from about ten years ago when my DJ aspirations were at there highest.

I grew up on metal, hardcore and hip hop from the 80’s and have always stayed true to those roots, especially my metal and hardcore roots. But you have to adventure outside of your musical comfort zones every now and again to discover some amazing new music. Around the mid 90’s me and my brother started to listen to DJ Shadow who was mixing jazz and blues melodies with hip hop beats and some ambient sounds from electronic music. From DJ Shadow we started to find new music not necessarily the same sound but in that same vein like Roni Size, Hive, DJ Spooky and many more.

I’ve stayed into DJ Shadow but some of the other albums and groups have fallen out of favor. So I am uploading Dub Pistols Point Blank and Freestylers We Rock Hard some great albums I found on accident that I haven’t listened too in about ten years. I might take a trip back into that era over the next couple of days and see how things go.

I also uploaded Hive Working With Sound and I’ll see what I can do about Devious Methods. Hey, I may even try and conjure up some Roni Size, Tricky, or Q Bert…I may even resurrect some aspirations.